This page serves as the one-stop reference for all the equations and their accompanying explanations used in the portfolio aggregation calculations in our screening service.
It provides a clear and organised overview of all the portfolio normalisation options, making it easy for users to understand and utilise the screening service to its full potential. Whether you're a seasoned financial analyst or just starting out, this page is an indispensable help for performing powerful portfolio analysis and optimisation.
Platform screenshot

List of normalisation options
Revenue (WAXI)
Weighted Average [X] Intensity, where X represents the impact metric in question. This method always uses revenue as a normalizer.
Market capitalisation (XVI)
[X] to Value Invested, where X represents the impact metric in question. This method is identical to WAXI, except that it uses market capitalization as a normalizer instead of revenue.
Enterprise value including cash (EVIC)
[X] to Value Invested, where X represents the impact metric in question. This method is identical to WAXI, except that it uses EVIC as a normalizer instead of revenue. EVIC means enterprise value including cash.
Enterprise value excluding cash (EVEC)
[X] to Value Invested, where X represents the impact metric in question. This method is identical to WAXI, except that it uses EVEC as a normalizer instead of revenue. EVEC means enterprise value excluding cash, which is equivalent to the definition of enterprise value.
How to access it
Accessing the Normalisation option is simple and straightforward.
Follow these steps to get started:
- Log in to the Matter platform.
- From the Lobby page, click on your profile name located beneath the "Launchpad" option.
- Scroll down until you reach the "Normalisation option" option.
- Click on the pre-selected option to reveal a drop-down menu.
- Choose the option that best suits your needs.
- Once you've made your selection, simply return to your analysis.
With this user-friendly process, you can easily customise your portfolio aggregation settings to align with your specific requirements.