Release notes

Release notes tell you what’s new in Matter. or follow us on LinkedIn.
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TCFD risk metrics for reporting

Understand and report your portfolio’s climate-related risk, for regulatory and voluntary reporting.


March 12, 2024

New Partner API endpoint for metrics list

A new endpoint has been created to call the full list of metrics as well as relevant metadata through the Partner API.


February 21, 2024

List of contributors available for download

Ability to download the full list of contributors for a given portfolio in XLSX format. This function is directly accessible under the Options menu in the full list of contributors side panel.


February 5, 2024

Improved page headers

The page headers on the platform have been improved to display clearer information, such as the type of analysis, more contextual information related to the given location, and better access to basic functionalities.


February 1, 2024

Thematic ESG flags update (version 2.2)

We have been enhancing our Thematic ESG Flags, which has led us to refine the names of some flags and introduce a new set of themes.


January 25, 2024

Temperature scores for issuers

Gain a robust understanding of temperature scores for issuers in different scenarios.


January 22, 2024

Analysis available with bookmarked metrics

Analysis available with bookmarked metrics


January 16, 2024

Default settings at first connection

Upon the first connection to the Matter platform, users will be offered the opportunity to customize their interface preferences (e.g., currency, normalization, name, etc.).


December 25, 2023

Custom Collections

Custom collections allow for the creation and storage of infinite subsets of sustainability metrics tailored to specific needs from Matter's 700+ metrics. These collections can be saved and shared within an organization, allowing users to focus on specific sustainability segments for instance in ESG screenings.


December 20, 2023

Udpated ISIN lookup

We have refined our internal service used to search for ISIN codes on the platform. Now, when an ISIN is searched for, users are more accurately directed to the fund or issuer they are looking for.


December 11, 2023

Metric's rules available

Thematic ESG flag rules are now displayed in the 'About' section of each flag. Platform users can now access these rules from the side panel, or request access to more complex rules as necessary.


December 5, 2023

EU Taxonomy Framework update

The EU taxonomy framework has been updated. Now, individuals will have access to not only one but all six pillars of the EU taxonomy, incorporating reported data from our data provider. This is a significant yet minor upgrade that solidifies our EU taxonomy as a robust but imperfect solution.


November 29, 2023

Number formats have been standardised

The presentation of values on the platform has been standardized. Currency now adheres to US standards, percentages are rounded to two decimal places, and bar chart values no longer include decimals, resulting in a less overwhelming experience.


November 22, 2023

Quick access to Normalisation in Analysis

Platform users now have quicker access to a toggle that switches used normalization method within the Portfolio Analysis, located in the Settings side panel.


November 8, 2023

Issuer comparison

Choose and compare different bookmarked issuers.


November 1, 2023

Relative performance

View the relative ESG performance of a portfolio, shared portfolio, or draft by assigning a primary benchmark. Across all available metrics on the platform, visually identify strengths and weaknesses of your portfolio based on the metrics that matter to you.


October 18, 2023

GHG Scope 3 emissions improvements

We have implemented an additional quality assurance check for GHG Scope 3 emissions data during the data ingestion process. This was done to address the recurring issue we identified in the reported data for Scope 3 category investments, which was causing unusual values.


October 2, 2023

Fund composition look-up

Our platform now supports the ability to access the list of issuers that compose any given mutual fund, along with all key facts and fund characteristics.


October 2, 2023

Thematic ESG flags update (version 2.1)

We have been enhancing our Thematic ESG Flags, which has led us to refine the names of some flags and introduce a new set of themes.


October 2, 2023

SDG revenue, SDG CapEx & CO₂ emissions data update

Data from the SDG revenue dataset, SDG CapEx dataset & and all CO₂ emissions have been updated.


October 1, 2023

PAIs official EU & Matter metric description

The SFDR PAIs description has been updated on the platform. You will now have access to the official EU description, as well as a more precise data point description, the Matter metric description.


September 27, 2023

Fund Look Through

With 'Fund Look Through', you can explore every mutual fund and ETF present in your portfolio. This allows you to view the aggregated sustainability insights for every issuer in your portfolio, whether they are individual companies, mutual funds, ETFs, or a mix of them all.


September 25, 2023

Total Value Invested

The ability to attribute the total invested value to each portfolio or draft. This will enable you to access the value generated, emitted, or wasted by an investment.


September 15, 2023

SFDR & financed emissions

Thanks to the ability to attribute the total value invested to any portfolio or draft, you can now calculate the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This update applies to PAIs 1.1 to 1.4.


September 14, 2023

Multi-currency analysis

Select a default currency from our expanded selection of 12 currencies to perform portfolio analysis and access issuer reports in your preferred currency.


September 7, 2023

Streamlined profile pages

Portfolio, issuer, and fund profiles have been streamlined to maintain a consistent structure and unified look and feel. For all assets, you can now access a summary, ESG data for the respective asset, as well as its composition and holdings if applicable.


September 5, 2023

Enhanced data export velocity

Significant improvements have been made to the report generation speed on the platform. The percentage of completion during the process is now displayed.


August 14, 2023

Precised PAIs' metric description

An official EU description, along with a corresponding Matter metric description, has been appended to each metric. This ensures clear differentiation between the requirements outlined by the EU framework and the data delivered by Matter.


August 9, 2023

Updated PDF export

The PDF export for the complete UNGC collection has been updated and is now accessible, along with a comprehensive update to all collections and frameworks.


August 8, 2023

Portfolio drafts

The ability to compile a list of designated issuers into portfolio drafts, coupled with the option to transfer previously uploaded portfolios into this portfolio draft for analysis and simulation. This enhancement streamlines the process of constructing, weighting, and analyzing portfolio drafts within the platform.


August 8, 2023

Stacking bar chart in analysis

When using the weighted analysis, the bar charts are now stacked. This allows you to simultaneously grasp the total value of the weighted selection and visually appreciate the distribution of each selected and weighted item.


July 28, 2023

Weighted analysis in data export

When utilising the weighted analysis, the results can now be incorporated into all data export functions (CSV, PDF, XLSX).


July 26, 2023

Responsive interface

The platform is now responsive to any display resolution, ensuring a more comfortable experience when consuming Matter's data. Additionally, enhancements have been made to the table data visualisation, enabling the display of extended metadata that can be sorted for a more interactive engagement with Matter's data.


July 17, 2023

Weighted analysis

Introducing the ability to set weights for your selected portfolios or indices within the Portfolio Analysis on the platform. This enhancement simplifies the process of generating portfolio-of-portfolios analysis, providing you with valuable insights and improved simulation capabilities.


June 30, 2023

Enhanced metric's metadata

By clicking on a metric name, you can access the full description of the selected metric, along with additional metadata such as metric nature, metric coverage, metric normalisation, and more. This feature enhances your understanding of the metric, empowering you to make informed decisions and maximize the utilisation of available resources.


June 19, 2023

Sorting data in table view

By clicking on column headers in any table on the platform, you can sort the data in alphabetical, numerical, or date order. This feature improves your ability to access specific insights and allows for easier navigation of the data.


June 14, 2023

SDG CapEx alignment data at issuer level

We have made all SDG capital expenditure alignment and misalignment data points at the issuer level. This feature is available upon request and is subject to an additional cost.


May 31, 2023

SDG CapEx alignment data on the platform

Assess SDG revenue alignment and misalignment at issuer level.

May 31, 2023

Bookmark issuers

Select the issuers that you wish to keep readily accessible by utilizing the bookmark function


May 17, 2023

Issuer bookmarking

You can now select the issuer(s) that you wish to keep readily accessible by utilizing the bookmark function. This make is easier to access to issuer and will enable the possibility to build portoflio drafts on the platform.


May 16, 2023

Enhanced table view

The table view has been improved to display the first layer of data available for analysis by default, reducing the visibility of irrelevant data points and decreasing the number of nested items.


May 15, 2023

Fossil fuel data coverage doubled

The data on fossil fuel reserves has been updated on the platform. We are pleased to announce that Matter has now doubled its coverage and has data on approximately 350 companies.


May 10, 2023

Data sources at metric level

Gain valuable insights by accessing the data source behind each metric directly on our platform.


May 9, 2023

Table view for Portfolio Analysis

You can now see all metrics and data in Portfolio Analysis in tables. This makes it easier to get an overview of all the data available and more efficiently compare metrics across portfolios. You have the option to choose between the new table view and the classic bar charts, so you can use the view that works best for you.


March 23, 2023

Upload and update date available in Portfolio hub

The upload date of your portfolios is now available in the Portfolio Hub, as well as the latest update date of the Nasdaq indices.


February 23, 2023

New collection for Sovereign analysis

Simply upload your portfolio and receive structured sovereign insights at the click of a button.


February 22, 2023

SDG revenue alignment data at issuer level

Assess SDG revenue alignment and misalignment at issuer level.

February 22, 2023

Added framework description and metadata

By clicking on the "About this framework" button in the framework/collection page, you can access the full description of the selected framework. This feature provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the framework, enabling you to make informed decisions and fully utilise the resources available to you.


February 10, 2023

Search an issuer

On Matter's online portfolio analysis platform, you now have the ability, without uploading a portfolio, to search for an individual company's sustainability profile using either their name or ISIN code. Here, you can find all the same data available at portfolio level, enabling you to analyse a company's SDG alignment, key impact data, flags for controversial ESG themes, SFDR alignment and much more.


February 8, 2023

SDG revenue alignment data at issuer level

We have made all SDG revenue alignment and misalignment data points at the issuer level available. This feature is available upon request and is subject to an additional cost.


January 31, 2023

EU taxonomy & SFDR PAIs data at issuer level

We have made all EU taxonomy and SFDR PAIs data points at the issuer level available. This feature is available upon request and is subject to an additional cost.


January 20, 2023

Enhanced company information

We have made additional metadata points at the issuer level available. With insights such as issuer profile, company type, region, industry, NACE code, alternative names, and more, you will now be able to better understand the context of a given issuer.


January 6, 2023

Eligibility score within SFDR report

We have updated our SFDR reporting solution and added an Eligibility Score. This score will be required for both pre-contractual and periodic disclosures.


January 5, 2023

Bulk upload

Instead of having to upload portfolios individually, Matter's platform now supports bulk upload of portfolios, allowing you to perform large scale analyses with ease.


December 15, 2022

EU Taxonomy module

Matter's EU Taxonomy module allows users to see the percentage of their portfolio(s) which is Eligible under the Climate Change Mitigation objective of the EU Taxonomy, as well as offering investors an early indication of alignment of their investments. The module is available on Matter's platform, enabling intuitive and accessible EU Taxonomy analysis.


November 23, 2022

Bookmark metrics

Bookmarks are an easy and simple way to keep track of often used or important metrics.

November 23, 2022

Matter launch Climate Transition Risk and Opportunity tool

Understand how well positioned your investments are to mitigate the risks and harness the opportunities of transitioning to a Net Zero economy. On Matter's platform you can upload your portfolio and see your climate transition readiness and compare between funds and against a broad range of benchmarks.


November 18, 2022

Fully customisable analyses with Bookmark function

Now available on Matter's platform is the ability to pick and choose which data points you want to include in your analysis using the Bookmark function. Want to see Renewable Power Generation, companies flagged for Blocking Climate Policy, and SDG 7 alignment all in one place? Across all data offered on the platform, including SDG alignment, SFDR PAIs, Thematic ESG Flags and more, just click the bookmark icon and run your customised analysis.


October 14, 2022

Partner API