Matter API
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Frameworks & collections
Frameworks & collections
Introduction to our comprehensive collection of frameworks and collections.
Matter API
Getting Started
Frameworks & collections
Methodology & data
Information & releases
Climate transition
Understand how well-positioned your portfolio is to mitigate the risks and harness the opportunities of the climate transition
Controversial activities
Gain insights into the exposure of your portfolio to controversial activities, such as tobacco or weapons.
Impact metrics
Measure and compare quantitative sustainability metrics based on company reported data and estimations
SDG capital expenditure alignment
Measure how the revenue companies generate is aligned or misaligned with the achievement of the 17 UN SDGs
SDG revenue alignment
Measure how the revenue companies generate is aligned or misaligned with the achievement of the 17 UN SDGs
SFDR reporting
Analyse how a portfolio or fund performs on mandatory Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) Indicators under EU SFDR regulation.
Sovereign analysis
Simply upload your portfolio and receive structured sovereign insights at the click of a button.
Thematic ESG Flags
Sustainability themes are organised and aggregated through an ESG hierarchy that offers a refined counterpart to conventional ESG thinking.
UN Global Compact
Gain insights into the exposure of fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption