Partner API status codes

Understand the meaning and use of status codes in the Partner API.

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Delve into Partner API Status Codes - Acquire an in-depth comprehension of the significance and utility of status codes within the Partner API and sFTP service. Access descriptions for each code, adeptly address troubleshooting matters, and optimise your integration to ensure a refined and streamlined user experience in the realm of finance.

API Messages

Method Status code Description Comment
POST 201 [Created] Job submitted successfully
POST 404 [Not Found] Unable to resolve portfolio: Holdings Not Resolved Error: The Identity Service was unable to resolve the specified holdings.
POST 409 [Conflict] Analysis is already in process for external_id xxx
POST 422 Failed to submit Resolution Data. This error could come from partner-api or internal services. Possible causes: negative weight, duplicated ISIN, etc
POST 503 No healthy upstream Network outage happens.
POST 504 The request could not be satisfied. The servers in the network did not respond in the expected time, and the request sent was not returned.
GET 202 [Accepted] The analysis job is still being processed.
GET 200 [OK] Retrieval of analysis result is successful
GET 404 [Not Found] Holdings Not Resolved Error: The Identity Service was unable to resolve the specified holdings.
GET 400
GET 422
GET 500 Aggregation Time Out Error: The aggregation API failed to deliver a result within 10 seconds.

sFTP Messages

Type Log Comment
Warning Negative weights are excluded from analysis
Warning Analysis is not available for this portfolio: Metric Information could not be retrieved There are two possible causes: (1) We have no metric information on the portfolio. (2) The input metrics is invalid or non-existent
Erorr XXX Error propagated from partner-api