Holding matching in the context of portfolio upload refers to the extent to which our system is able to recognize and analyze the ISIN and security of your holdings. This value is expressed as a percentage and indicates the level of accuracy in our portfolio analysis. By holding matching in mind, you can ensure that your portfolio is being analyzed with the highest level of precision and accuracy.
Holdings matching
The Portfolio hub on the platform offers convenient access to all the portfolio-matching information you need.
This article has been carefully crafted to help you better understand the terms and concepts related to portfolio-matching. With a deeper understanding, you can make informed decisions and confidently navigate our content.

- Allocation from upload: These values refer to the weight from each security you added to the file uploaded. As some ISINs might not be recognized during upload, or otherwise 'flawed', we will normalise the allocations of the matched securities, to sum up to 100%.
- Normalised allocation: Directly from Allocation from upload, this is the allocation, normalised, to sum up to 100%, in order to better compare and benchmark portfolios against portfolios, as well as against indices.
- Holdings weight matched: Weighted percentage of matched entities by our system, including allocation provided within the uploaded file.
- Entities matched: Percentage of securities matched by our system, independently from the Allocation from upload or Normalised allocation
- Securities: Number of securities matched by our system from the list of uploaded holdings

Note: This percentage is very important and reflects more precisely the exact weight of a given portfolio on which the actual analysis will be based upon.
Metric coverage
Coverage-related information, attached to every single metric in the platform, is either found in the side panel that opens when a bar is clicked, or in a pop-up box, that is shown when hovering the pointer over a metric.

- Holdings weight matched: Weighted percentage of matched entities by our system, including allocation provided within the uploaded file.
- Entities coverage: The discrete number of entities covered by our system, for the given metric being explored.
- Weight coverage: Share of holdings weight covered by our system, for the given metric being explored. I.e., "89.9% for PAI 3" will mean that we have data for this specific metric, on companies whose combined allocation is 89.9%.