Thematic ESG flags update (version 2.1)

We have been enhancing our Thematic ESG Flags, which has led us to refine the names of some flags and introduce a new set of themes.

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In our ongoing commitment to enhance and refine our Thematic ESG flag hierarchy, we have undertaken improvements to the existing structure. This has involved adding, retiring, or renaming certain flags, resulting in the correction and enhancement of 21 flags.

3 new themes

Tar Sands:
Companies that engage in tar sands and synthetic crude oil upstream operations.

Net Zero & Science Based Climate Targets:
Issuers which has not committed to Science Based Climate Targets.

Science Based Targets Removed:
Companies which have failed to set Science Based Targets within 24 months after commitment.

14 theme renamed

Climate Risk Assessment Available (Deforestation-linked Commodities):
Companies which have made available an assessment of climate risks potentially affecting their business.
Previously Climate Risk Assessment Available

GHG Emissions Reduction Targets On Track or Met (Deforestation-linked Commodities):
Companies which report progress towards meeting, or have already met, their GHG emissions targets.
Previously GHG Emissions Reduction Targets On Track or Met

High Government Revenue (excl. Grants):
Low and middle-income countries with high government revenue (excluding grants).
Previously High Govt Revenue (excl. Grants)

Methane Capture in Own Operations (Deforestation-linked Commodities):
Methane-emitting companies using methane capture technologies across their operations.
Previously Methane Capture in Own Operations

No Climate Risk Assessment Available (Deforestation-linked Commodities):
Companies for which a publicly available assessment of climate risks was not found.
Previously No Climate Risk Assessment Available

No Methane Capture in Own Operations (Deforestation-linked Commodities):
Methane-emitting companies which do not use methane capture technologies across their operations.
Previously No Methane Capture in Own Operations

GMO Activities:
Companies engaged in genetics and genomics, as well as plant & animal breeding and DNA testing for agriculture.
Previously GMO

Low Transparency - Governance of Bribery & Corruption (Deforestation-linked Commodities):
Companies producing forest-risk commodities, which lack transparent disclosures on their governance of bribery and corruption-related issues.
Previously Low Transparency (Governance of Bribery & Corruption)

No Commitment Against Bribery & Corruption in Own Operations (Deforestation-linked Commodities):
Companies producing forest-risk commodities, which have no policy statements against bribery and corruption across their operations.
Previously No Commitment Against Bribery & Corruption in Own Operations

No Commitment Against Bribery & Corruption in Supply Chain (Deforestation-linked Commodities):
Companies producing forest-risk commodities, which have no policies against bribery and corruption in their supply chains.
Previously No Commitment Against Bribery & Corruption in Supply Chain

No Commitment to Reduce Emissions (Deforestation-linked Commodities):
Companies without time-bound commitments to reduce the carbon intensity across their value chain.
Previously No Commitment to Reduce Emissions

Not Meeting GHG Emissions Reduction Targets (Deforestation-linked Commodities):
Companies not meeting their GHG emissions targets, or disclosing outdated, insufficient, or no data on their progress.
Previously Not Meeting GHG Emissions Reduction Targets

Adult Entertainment - Media and Publishing:
Companies producing, distributing and/or exhibiting erotic online content.
Previously Adult Entertainment Online

Adult Entertainment - Physical:
Companies with revenue generating activities related to stripclubs and other adult entertainment venues.
Previously Adult Entertainment Physical

1 theme retired

Bribery & Corruption is no longer available:
Countries resilient to bribery and corruption.