Weighted analysis

Introducing the ability to set weights for your selected portfolios or indices within the Portfolio Analysis on the platform. This enhancement simplifies the process of generating portfolio-of-portfolios analysis, providing you with valuable insights and improved simulation capabilities.

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Weighted selection for portfolio-of-portfolios analysis

On Matter's analytics platform, we have introduced a feature that allows you to assign desired weights to selected items within the Portfolio Analysis on the go, without the need to upload a re-balanced portfolio.

With this feature, you have access to all the same data as the initial items, giving you the flexibility to adjust weights and selections by defining percentages, ratios, or total values

Trigger the Setting button

The feature you are seeking can be found in the upper right corner of the Portfolio Analysis. To access it, simply click on the "Settings" button, which will reveal the menu. This feature is available from every screen on the platform within Portfolio analysis, making it easy for you to quickly access and utilise it whenever you need.

Additionally, the feature is positioned in a consistent location, so you can always know where to find it.

Access the new feature in the top right corner of the Portfolio Analysis

Different weighting options

The feature provides three flexible options for weighting an analysis on the platform, empowering you to tailor the weighting analysis that best suits your needs and preferences.

  1. Input Percentage: Easily assign weights to your selections by inputting percentages. This method allows you to allocate proportional weights based on the percentage value you specify.
  2. Input Total Value: Use this method to weight selections by inputting the total value of your portfolio. Assign weights based on the absolute value of each selected item, allowing for precise control over the overall distribution.
  3. Input Ratio: With the input ratio method, you can weigh selections by defining ratios between them. Specify the relative proportions of each selection, enabling you to create a balanced and customised weighting scheme.
All input methods will be automatically normalized, making it easier for you to input the desired values on the go. Matter will handle the math, allowing you to focus on inputting the values you need.