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Frequently asked questions

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What is the current coverage of the platform data?

Matters data covers up to 99% of leading, global equity indexes, corporate bonds and sovereign bonds.

Can I access the complete datasets?

Nothing is impossible. Identify the desired dataset and reach out to the customer support team for access to data samples.

Why is there no data available for a specific company?

It is an issue in the entire ESG industry that there is no data on the smaller companies. We have ESG data on more than 14000 companies and 99% of the weight in major indices, but that is globally, and therefore many smaller Danish companies don't make the cut, yet.

How can I add a collaborator?

To ensure the security of sensitive information and provide an added level of control, Matter has decided to undertake a manual onboarding process for every user who joins the platform. Contact support to manually add collaborator.

How does Matter select its data sources?

Our sustainability analysis seeks a comprehensive, 360-degree view of a sustainability performance based on trusted sources including civil society, academia, and international organisations. If we are using the source, it means we consider it to be a reliable source. We have classified the methodology of each of our sources, and the degree of transparency in their methodology.

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