Search an issuer

Search for an individual company's sustainability profile using either their name or ISIN code

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Search for individual entities with ease

On Matter's online portfolio analysis platform, you now have the ability, without uploading a portfolio, to search for an individual company's sustainability profile using either their name or ISIN code. Here, you can find all the same data available at portfolio level, enabling you to analyse a company's SDG alignment, key impact data, flags for controversial ESG themes, SFDR alignment and much more

Trigger the search option

The feature you are seeking can be found in the upper right corner of the platform's navigation bar. To access it, simply click on the "Search Issuers" button, which will reveal the menu. This feature is available from every screen on the platform, making it easy for you to quickly access and utilize it whenever you need.

Additionally, the feature is positioned in a consistent location, so you can always know where to find it.

Find the feature in the header menu

Search a company name or an ISIN

Our platform offers two methods for searching for the company you need:

  1. ISIN code search: If you have the exact ISIN code of the company, our system will identify and present you with the most accurate option.
  2. Name search: If you have the name of the company, our system will present you with a list of options that are either exact or as close as possible to your request.

With these two methods, you can easily and accurately find the company you are looking for, saving time and effort in the process.

The search engine module is under ongoing development and may sometimes be unpredictable. For the most accurate results, we highly recommend using the ISIN number to locate the specific company you are searching for. This will ensure that your search results are accurate and reliable.
Type your request in the dediacted field

Access the entity page

Accessing the entity page is as easy as clicking on your desired search result.

From there, you will have full access to the company's sustainability analysis, along with other valuable information. Please note that this feature is limited for trial users, but the level of access will depend on your subscription package and will be unlocked accordingly.

Whether you are a basic or a premium subscriber, you can rest assured that you will have access to the information you need to make informed investment decisions.