SFDR reporting

Analyse how a portfolio or fund performs on mandatory Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) Indicators under EU SFDR regulation.

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The SFDR is one of the backbones of the EU's regulatory efforts to protect investors by providing more transparency on the degree to which financial products have environmental and/or social characteristics.

Now in the Matter platform you can find the necessary metrics to report on the PAIs (Principal Adverse Impact indicators) of your investments. Today, Matter offers coverage on:

  • 20 of the mandatory indicators.
  • 4 of the additional indicators.

About this framework

The EU's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) sets a new standard for investment products and raises the bar on transparency and accountability.

With a focus on avoiding "greenwashing," the SFDR requires asset managers to disclose comprehensive information about the sustainability of their investment strategies. This includes a series of mandatory Principle Adverse Impact (PAI) indicators, providing investors with a clear picture of the potential impact of their investments.

By ensuring that investment products meet these minimum disclosure requirements, the SFDR supports responsible investing and helps to drive progress towards a more sustainable future.

Platform visual

At portfolio level

At portfolio level